More knowledge of the data today will be insufficient tomorroow

Analytics & Data means analysing, visualising and interpreting information more efficiently than before gain a decisive advantage on the market

Your databases should be working for you

Benefit from big data

Products, services and customer relationships generate data; using this information can be critical to success. This often underused potential can be tapped through systematic data preparation and analysis. Big data technologies can be used to leverage both structured and unstructured data.

Millions of pieces of data are generated by every company and in every line of business. They are brought together, analysed and visualised in order to create maximum added value. This makes it possible to understand market trends, strengthen customer loyalty, reduce costs, improve quality, open up new areas of business and increase security. We make big data simple and straightforward to understand. As the link between IT and the line of business, we analyse your current standpoint and design solutions tailored your requirements.

Keep your finger on the pulse of the market with Smart Industry.

Flexibility, process optimisation and real-time transparency belong together. They can be used to increase efficiency, fulfil potential and develop new business models. All of this can be achieved with the help of Smart Industry. Axians acts as the interface between IT and industry; with our sister company Actemium, we bring together knowledge of IT and industrial processes.

Production processes and requirements need to be managed, but machinery often uses different system languages and protocols. Having a transparent overview of the entire production process means that the manufacturing process can be continuously improved and automated. We support your transition from automation pyramid to data-centric, service-oriented IT architecture.

What can we do for you?

Our experts answer all your questions

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