Your trusted partner for broadband rollout
The steady increase in digitisation in our private lives and in the business sector means a continued strong increase in data volume. At the same time, end customers are increasingly demanding optimal reception and failure-free availability of the internet. Broadband rollout is the leading answer and thus the basis for our progress towards digitisation. With its immense expertise, Axians supports you in all phases of the process.
Fibre-optics to the distribution panel
Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) means that fibre-optic cables extend to the distribution panel. The remaining distance to the customer consists of classic copper cables. This limits performance so that the actual bandwidth can only be guaranteed to a limited degree. FTTC connections are still sufficient to meet current demand. However, looking at the near future, due to the ever-growing data volumes through streaming, remote working, augmented reality, etc., these are increasingly reaching their limits.
Tomorrow’s broadband rollout
Fibre to the Building (FTTB) means that fibre-optic cables extend into buildings, ensuring a high data transfer rate and failure-free transmission. But it gets even better: Fibre to the Home (FTTH) delivers the signal right into individual homes and commercial units, while Fibre to the Desk (FTTD) takes it into the workplace. This is the way forward, because end-to-end fibre-optic connections are scalable and can therefore transmit data at terrabit speeds.
Structuring your individual optical network
There are various ways of structuring an optical network. Several options are available, depending on the dependencies and applications involved. We are happy to advise you when it comes to choosing the best solution, regarding both active and passive technology. We can also take over network planning – from network topography to construction documentation, including network terminals in the relevant buildings – and handle project implementation as well.
What can we do for you?
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