Your point of contact for FTTx networks
Axians is one of Switzerland’s leading businesses in the planning, construction, and maintenance of fibre optic and copper cable networks. Our site in Fehraltorf supports operators of communication and data networks to expand and modernise their FTTx cable networks in the Zurich Oberland area.
How Axians can support you
With its integrated service portfolio, our team of about 25 experts based at the fixed-network site in Fehraltorf supports renowned telecom service providers, railway companies, network operators, and energy producers to match the performance and reliability of their network infrastructures to the ever-increasing demands placed on them. We either enhance our clients’ in-house work or take on the role of a general contractor, depending on what is required.
Our range of services:
• Planning
• Engineering
• Implementation (network building and cable tensioning)
• Copper and fibre optic cable processing
• Acquisitions and regulatory approval procedures
• Project and construction management
• Documentation
• Maintenance and service
Axians in Fehraltorf
Our site at Allmendstrasse 38 is located in the Zurich Oberland. Les raccordements autoroutiers et les liaisons de transports publics à proximité permettent une mobilité rapide et simple dans toutes les directions. Un nombre suffisant de places de parking est disponible devant le bâtiment.
+41 44 204 10 20
See on Google Maps