Complete management and renewal of digital certificates

Why is the complete management and renewal of digital certificates, regardless of their certification authority, a challenge for security and operations managers across all branches and industries?

  • Shorter lifespans of TLS/SSL certificates

    The increasingly shorter lifespans of commercial SSL certificates pose a significant challenge for companies. Since autumn 2020, SSL/TLS certificates have been issued for a maximum period of 13 months. In its roadmap, Google has now announced its intention to further reduce the lifespan of SSL certificates: from one year to 90 days. Error-free manual processing is hardly possible here.
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  • CLM platform – for the entire lifecycle of your certificates

    To counter the trend of increasingly shorter lifespans, we offer a reliable, automated platform for the entire lifecycle of digital certificates. From detection and provisioning to revocation, replacement, or renewal, companies are able to manage workflows in one place thanks to this certification authority-independent platform and issue certificates from other renowned certification authorities, including Microsoft AD CS, Google Certificate Authority Service, and AWS Private CA.

Benefits of an automated CLM

  • Durch Automatisierung kann sichergestellt werden, dass alle digitalen Zertifikate im gesamten Netzwerk korrekt bereitgestellt und manuelle Fehler vermieden werden.


    Automation ensures that all digital certificates are correctly provisioned across the entire network and manual errors are avoided.

  • Administratoren automatisieren vormals zeitaufwendige manuelle Prozesse und können sich auf Kernaufgaben konzentrieren.

    Cost reduction

    Administrators automate previously time-consuming manual processes and can focus on core tasks.

  • CLM hilft Unternehmen, gesetzliche und branchenspezifische Vorschriften einzuhalten, indem es eine zentrale Verwaltung und lückenlose Protokollierung der Zertifikatsnutzung ermöglicht.

    Compliance and auditing

    CLM helps companies comply with legal and industry-specific regulations by enabling centralized management and comprehensive logging of certificate usage.

  • Skalierbarkeit des Zertifikatsmanagements


    Easily manage a growing number of digital certificates and scale them in increasingly complex corporate network environments.

  • CLM gewährleistet eine kontinuierliche Überwachung und Verwaltung von Zertifikaten

    Security optimization

    CLM ensures continuous monitoring and management of digital certificates, minimizing the risk of expired or invalid certificates. This closes security gaps that could lead to cyberattacks.

  • CLM bietet einen vollständigen Überblick über alle im Unternehmen verwendeten Zertifikate, deren Status und Ablaufdaten. Dadurch wird die Kontrolle über die gesamte Zertifikatsinfrastruktur verbessert.

    Transparency and control

    CLM provides a complete overview of all certificates used in the company, their status, and expiration dates. This improves control over the entire certificate infrastructure.

Why do companies need a Certificate Lifecycle Management platform?

With a CLM platform, you manage public and private certificates from leading certification authorities through a single portal. But why is this more important than ever today?

  • Crypto agility

    The announcement of 90-day certificates indicates that certificate automation is more important than ever.

  • No "lock-in" effect

    The open and interoperable platform for CLM management is not tied to any specific provider, making lifecycle management of all certificates efficient and transparent across the enterprise through a central point.

  • Location independence

    As a cloud-based SaaS solution, our solution offers low deployment costs for certificate management across a dynamic and heterogeneous IT landscape.

  • Certificate Authority Independence

    Our solution can be integrated with leading technology providers, offering flexibility in providing your certificates to individual corporate infrastructures.

More insights into the Certificate Lifecycle Management platform

Would you like to learn more about our Certificate Lifecycle Management platform?

For more technical information, download our factsheet. For more information about the solution and the benefits of such a platform, download our brochure.


Webinar: 90-day certificate validity – are you prepared? (in German)

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