Five basic values that are adhered to every day
The corporate identity is characterized by trust, responsibility, solidarity, autonomy and entrepreneurial thinking. The focus is on people and both individual initiative and collective work are valued.
- Trust:
Trust is at the heart of our working relationship and is deeply nourished by proximity, allowing everyone to showcase their talent. Trust is given, earned and rewarded so that everyone can work together. Trust is based on transparency and does not exclude control. - Autonomy:
Our business units have autonomy and can make their own decisions within a defined framework. Autonomy embraces the concept that every situation is unique and we believe in human intelligence. We also want to give each individual employee the opportunity to develop their talents and potential. Autonomy does not mean independence; it also includes communication and transparency. - Responsibility:
We empower and give responsibility to everyone, regardless of their position within the organization. We are convinced of our employees’ ability to work responsibly and to take on this responsibility. This is the key to our success. - Entrepreneurial thinking:
We encourage and recognize each individual’s ability to take initiative, weigh risks and seize opportunities, envision and achieve success. We value the ability to make and deliver decisions. Being able to say “no”, to be cautious and selective is also part of the entrepreneurial mindset. We recognize the right to make mistakes. - Solidarity:
We show solidarity within VINCI Energies by sharing knowledge, activities and resources as part of a network to achieve greater innovation, performance and responsiveness. We work as a network and value people who are willing to give and share. Employees and business units also show solidarity by getting involved in civil society and local communities. Our solidarity is evident in good times and bad.

VINCI Foundation
VINCI is conscious of its special social responsibility as the world’s leading construction and concession company. Together with its numerous employees, VINCI plans, finances, builds and operates facilities and infrastructural measures, such as schools, hospitals, apartments, offices, roads, bridges, airports, telecommunication networks, power grids, motorways and car parks. VINCI is confident that the long-term financial success of the company has to go hand in hand with credible and ambitious social commitment. As a result, the “VINCI Foundation” was established in 2002 and has since set itself the goal of supporting long-term projects aimed at integrating socially marginalised people into working life.

The Coeur initiative
Every hundredth child worldwide is born with a heart defect. Heart surgery is often the only way to save the child’s life. In many countries, however, there is a lack of equipment, qualified surgeons and financial resources to perform the life-saving operations. The charity Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque fights for the children in these countries. VINCI Energies supports Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque’s Coeur initiative.

One Tree – One Life
Every tree signifies life – One Tree, One Life
Rainforests produce oxygen for our planet, are an important habitat and regulate the climate. In Borneo, around 1.7 million hectares of rainforest are destroyed every year, one of the highest rates of deforestation in the world. As a result, the habitat of the orangutans and other endangered animal species found here is being destroyed more and more every day. These primates are now classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and are protected species. Unfortunately, this protection does not apply to their habitat. For every cloud user, we donate to the reforestation campaign “One Tree, One Life” of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Association in Switzerland (BOS Switzerland).
Our contribution to the VINCI Group's environmental objectives
PDF SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023With the long-term implementation of the comprehensive sustainability strategy, the Axians and Actemium Switzerland brands have made a significant contribution to achieving the Group’s 2023 targets. In the coming years, we will strengthen our commitment with additional measures. Further information can be found in our Sustainability Report 2023.