
PHBern gets a solution from a single source with Nutanix
With Nutanix, the Bern University of Teacher Education (PHBern) benefits from a standalone virtualisation solution. All the university’s servers now run on Nutanix. The innovative solution, which consists of hardware and software from a single source, also stands out due to its attractive price-performance ratio.
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Raiffeisen uses the AWS Cloud for central control of translation processes
Raiffeisen uses the AWS Cloud for central management of translation processes via the Raiffeisen Translation web portal, which was implemented through close cooperation between Raiffeisen, Amanox Solutions and AWS Professional Services.
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Galliker Transporte can rely on Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform
The end of a lifecycle led Galliker to switch to Nutanix in 2015. The Nutanix Enterprise Cloud platform enables Galliker Transport AG to focus on the applications and services that promote its own success. This allowed a dynamic, high-performance IT environment to be provided in a short space of time.
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Cloud migration for the online insurance company smile
The insurance “Smile” is well-known as the biggest online insurance in Switzerland. Their cloud-first strategy includes the migration of their applications to the AWS cloud. This case study describes the cloud migration of a core application of Smile.
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fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG: How a training platform creates more security awareness
The Fischerwerke team not only needed to acquire basic knowledge of cybersecurity but, more importantly, gain a keen awareness of the risks abounding in cyberspace. In order to address its human security gap for once and for all, the security and risk awareness of the entire Fischerwerke team had to be heightened. This was an enormous undertaking that required that all stakeholders throughout fischerwerke be involved. And since fischerwerke’s offices are located throughout the world, security awareness training had to take place in multiple languages.
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Axians carries out modernisation of the broadband network as general contractor
In keeping with the motto “The fibre-optic network for everyone”, sissanet, a division of Elektra Sissach with Axians as general contractor, is building a high-performance fibre-optic network for the municipality of around 6,600 inhabitants. All properties in the area will be connected to the network via Fibre to the Home (FTTH). Axians supports the entire FTTH project with direct point-to-point rollout including consulting, engineering, fibre planning, construction management and documentation of the network.
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Axians equips the first Swiss ice rink with the latest mobile technology
Originally built in 1959, the ice hockey arena simply did not meet the expectations of today’s operators, players and spectators. As well as offering outstanding functionality and being highly user-friendly, the new building also needed to offer the latest standards of network coverage; this is what made it necessary to integrate the most up-to-date mobile phone technologies.
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Separately operated IT and OT infrastructures give Geistlich Pharma maximum availability
With the support of Axians, Geistlich was able to make the transition to separately operated IT and OT infrastructures, and then implement these effectively while keeping everything running.
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Software-defined networking for the municipality of Wettingen
The municipality of Wettingen has been a client of Axians GNS AG since 2011. In 2019, the municipality decided to implement a new network solution. At that time, Wettingen was operating two networks: a community network and a school network.
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Short-term switch to home working for administrative tasks – child’s play for Swiss Medi Kids AG
To keep the show on the road, Swiss Medi Kids AG depends on the medical staff on site in the clinic, as well as those employees who work behind the scenes. The coronavirus outbreak therefore presented Swiss Medi Kids AG with the challenge of reorganising its operations and maximising the amount of administrative work that can be done from home.
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Skyguide academy extends collaboration with Axians for a further 5 years
Because there are only a few opportunities for training and further development in Switzerland, skyguide must train and develop the skills of a large proportion of its personnel itself. This is especially true for air traffic controllers as a group.
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Skyguide academy converts its ongoing courses to remote training
In February 2020, skyguide academy started its Area Control Surveillance course for 18 trainee air traffic controllers and 6 instructors as on-site training. In view of the rapid spread of the coronavirus in Switzerland and across Europe as a whole, the Federal Council ordered all training centres to close.